How to Perform Salat al-Janazah (Funeral Prayers): A Step-by-Step Guide

Salat al-Janazah

Death is a realty and an unavoidable part of this world, and especially when our loved one passes away, it is our duty to Perform Salat al-Janazah for their soul and seek forgiveness for them. In this regards we perform Salat al-Janazah, which is also known as funeral prayers. It is an Islamic way to honor the deceased and to ask for Allah for his mercy and blessings upon them. In this blog, we are going to provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide that covers all the aspect of “how to perform Salat al-Janazah (Funeral Prayers)”. Understanding the Importance of Salat al-Janazah (Funeral Prayers): Salat al-Janazah is greatly important in Islam, as it is declared right upon live Muslims to perform prayer for him. It is an expression of solidarity with the grieving family and a reminder of the transience of life. This prayer serves as an act of Dua (supplication) for the deceased person to have peace in the afterlife. The Timing of Salat al-Janazah (Funeral Prayers): Salat al-Janazah is allowed to perform at any time except during the prohibited prayer timings, which are three times: a.  When sun is rising. b. At the time of noon. (right when sun is in the middle of sky) c. At the sunset time. Note: All these times least for about 20 minutes, and are depend on location and date. So one should ask a scholar or google it when funeral time is needed to be conduct. The Number of Takbeers : The Salat al-Janazah has four (4) Takbeers (it is nothing but saying “Allahu Akbar”). After each Takbeer a specific supplications and actions are needed to do. It is important to make sure the following before performing Salat al-Janazah Step-by-Step Guide to Performing Salat al-Janazah Step 1: The very first thing we need to do is Intention (Niyyah). It means you need to bring a thought-image in your heart that you are performing pray for the deceased, seeking Allah’s mercy, and following the Imam’s lead. It is preferred to say the same stuffs by your tongue too. Step 2: Salat al-Janazah would be only perform in congregation. Now formation of the Congregation would be take place. Where the Muslims community gather and stand in lines like regular prayers. The more people participating, the greater be the reward for the deceased. Note: In Salat al-Janazahboth deceased and performer will get rewards. In Salat al-Janazah the one who stand in the last row will get more reward as compare to the one who is standing in first row. While in regular prayer the one who is standing in first row will get more rewards. Step 3: Standing in Prayer Position yourself in rows behind the Imam, facing the Qiblah (direction of the Kaaba in Mecca). Note: there are total four (4) takbeers “Allahu Akbar” that are must needed to say otherwise the prayer is not acceptable. Step 4: First Takbeer, The Imam would start the prayer by raising his hands up to shoulders or ears and saying “Allahu Akbar.” You need to follow the Imam and raise your hands. Note: Both the Imam and you need to rise your hands for the first Takbeer only, not the rest of the Takbeers. Step 5: After the first Takbeer you need to recite “Sana” silently. Saying “Subhanaka Allahumma wa bihamdika, wa tabarakasmuka, wa ta’ala jadduka, wa jal-la sana-o-ka wa la ilaha ghairuka.” Step 6: Now the Imam will utter second Takbeer After completing “Sana”, without rising hands and you need to follow him by saying Takbeer Step 7: After saying 2nd Takbeer we need to send Blessings (Dorood) upon the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), recite the Salawat (blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad), saying, “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ‘ala ‘ali Muhammadin, kama sallaita ‘ala Ibrahim wa ‘ala ‘ali Ibrahim, innaka Hamidun Majeed.” Note: there are several kinds of “Dorood”, you can recite any one of them. Step 8: Third Takbeer, after sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), now say the third Takbeer and need to seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness for the deceased. Step 9: This is the moment to make supplication (dua) for the dead person. Asking the kind Allah to grant them Jannah (Paradise) and forgive their sins. Dua both for male and female: For male and female”Allahumma ghfir lihayyina wa mayyitina, wa shahidina wa gha’ibina, wa saghirina wa kabirina, wa dhakarina wa unthana. Allahumma man ahyaytahu minna fa-ahyihi ‘ala al-Islam, wa man tawaffaytahu minna fa-tawaffahu ‘ala al-Iman. Allahummaa la tahrimna ajrahu wa la taftinna ba’dahu. Allahumma ihdini wa ihdina wa a’fini wa a’finina, wa zukni wa zukina, wa rzuqni wa rzuqina. Allahumma ghfir lihayyina wa mayyitina, wa shahidina wa gha’ibina, wa saghirina wa kabirina, wa dhakarina wa unthana, Allahumma man ahyaytahu minna fa-ahyihi ‘ala al-Islam, wa man tawaffaytahu minna fa-tawaffahu ‘ala al-Iman.”  And for child if female: child if female”Allahumma ij’alha lana faratan wa ij’alha lana ajran wa zukhran wa anzurha mina al-fitnati ma zaharat minha wa ma batanat. Allahummma ighfir laha, warhamha, wa’afiha, wa’fu’anha, wa akrim nuzulaha, wa wassi’a makhrajaha, wa’qsilha bil-ma’i wa thalji wal-baradi, wa naqqiha minal-khataya kama yunaqqa al-thawbu al-abyadu mina al-danas. Allahumma abdilha daran khayran min dariha, wa ahlan khayran min ahliha, wa zawjan khayran min zawjiha. Allahumma adkhilha al-jannata, wa a’izha min ‘adhabi al-qabri wa ‘adhabi al-nar.” And for child if male: “Allahumma iij’alhu lana faratan wa ajran wa zukhran wa anzurhu mina al-fitnati ma zaharat minha wa ma batanat. Allahumma ighfir lahu, warhamhu, wa’afihi, wa’fu’anhu, wa akrim nuzulahu, wa wassi’a makhrajuhu, wa’qsilha bil-ma’i wa thalji wal-baradi, wa naqqihi minal-khataya kama yunaqqa al-thawbu al-abyadu mina al-danas. Allahummma abdilhu daran khayran min darihi, wa ahlan khayran min ahlihi, wa zawjan khayran min zawjihi. Allahumma adkhilhu al-jannata, wa a’izhu min ‘adhabi al-qabri wa ‘adhabi al-nar.” Step 10: Now fourth Takbeer, The Imam would utter the 4th Takbeer and right after it two “Salams” “As-Salam-u-Alaikum wa-rahmatullahiand” to right side and “As-Salam-u-Alaikum wa-rahmatullahi” to left side. You need to follow him with Takbeer (without rising

Quran Memorization Tips: Unlocking the Power of Recitation

Quran Memorization Tips

The Quran which is the holy book of Islam. It is extremely revered by Muslims as this book is words of Allah (God). Quran Memorization Tips holds great significance in the hearts of every believer, because it makes their understanding deepen, strengthen their connection with Allah, and cause earning numerous spiritual rewards and blessings. However, memorizing such a substantial text can be seeming a difficult task. In this blog, we will explore really effective Quran memorization tips that would be very helpful to the memorization of the holy book Quran easily and permanently.  1) Sincerity and Intention: Before getting start the process of the holy book Quran memorization, it is essential to start it with sincerity and a true intention. And make it sure your destination is only to seek closeness to Allah, gain knowledge in order to implement it in your life, and live by the teachings of the Quran. This sincerity of intention will provide you with the strength, motivation and steadfastness that is necessary to overcome challenges all over the way. 2) Seek Blessings and Start with Bismillah: One should begin each memorization session by reciting “Ta-ow-z and Tasmia” (it means, seeking protection from Satan and starting in the name of Allah). Seeking blessings and admitting the divine help at every beginning will create a spiritual atmosphere and this process will facilitate the memorization process. 3) Start with Short Surahs: One should begin the memorization journey with shorter surahs (chapters) e.g. juzz (part) number 30th from the Quran. That includes surahs like Al-Ikhlas, Al-Kawthar, An-Nasr etc. Which are excellent choices as they are shorter and easier to memorize. Starting with smaller portions will boost your confidence and will provide you a solid foundation for having longer surahs later. 4) Break it Down: Do not try to memorize surah as a whole at once as it is a difficult move, but divide the surahs into smaller sections. Memorize a few verses at single time, ensuring you understand their meaning and context. Once you have taken fully grasped those verses, then move on to the next verses. Breaking down the memorization process into smaller parts would allow you for better comprehension and retention. 5) Before bed and in the Fajar: It is very fruitful practice to memorize the new lessons right before getting the bed, and obviously you may not fully grasp it at that time. But you could only put those verses in your head temporary. Now next step is to revise the same verses in the dawn (Fajar) for only few time and you would see how effectively you memorize those verses permanently. 6) Try different times: As it is difficult to focus too long at a time, so one should try different times. For instance, you got new lesson read it for 10 – 20 times and then stop reading it. Do some other activities and then again read the same lesson again for 10 – 20 times. Keep this process on until you fully memorize a lesson. 7) Listen to Recitations: Try to listen to recitations of the Quran from a good reciter, it can greatly aid in your memorization. Find recitations by experienced and well known Qari (reciters) and keep playing them repeatedly. Pay a close attention to their pronunciation, rhythm, and applied rules. This practice will create a strong auditory connection and will help in memorizing the correct recitation and a beautiful rhythm. 8) Repetition and Review: Once you have memorized some portion. Now you need a consistent repetition and regular review to make it solid your memorization. Spare some time each day to have revision, even if it means revisiting previously memorized sections. The action od repetition would strengthen your memory, ensure accuracy, and prevent forgetting what you have memorized. 9) Establish a Routine: In order to memorize the holy book Quran one need to dedicate Quran memorization routine that suits your lifestyle and commitments. choose a specific time and a silent, distraction-free room for memorization. Consistency is very important, so make it a habit to stick around to your routine. 10) Utilize Memorization Techniques: Implementing effective memorization techniques and Quran memorization tips are crucial to enhance the learning process and speed. Some popular techniques include: a. Writing: Write down the verses that you keep forgetting. If you cannot write in Arabic, you can try even in English or some other languages. Because the physical act of writing reinforces the memory. b. Visualization: Watch closely the words of the Quran when you recite them. This will create a mental images associated with the verses. And you will see an image of the page in your mind when you recite it. Therefore, when you are memorizing a part, you should read one time by watching to the Mas-haf (Quranic pages) and for the second time without it. c. Association: The verses that are difficult for you to memorize or you keep forgetting it. So associate them with familiar objects or experiences to make connections in your mind. d. Recitation with Eyes Closed: Recite the verses you already memorized with your eyes closed, relying only on your memory. This technique will strengthen recall and will reduces dependency on visual aid. 11) Seek Guidance and Support: Seek guidance from a highly-qualified teacher who can help you out with proper pronunciation of each word, recitation, and understanding of the Quranic recitation rules. The guidance will keep ensuring that you are on the right path. QariGroup is a rich reservoir of high-qualified teachers and they would assist you in every single step. Also they will help you to ensure you are properly following the Quran memorization tips. Conclusion: Keep in mind that the Quran memorization is not a race but it is a personal and spiritual journey. You need to take your time, embrace the process of memorization, and seek the blessings and guidance of Allah throughout memorization journey. Along these Quran memorization tips, you will experience the joy Quran, deeper your connection with Allah, and

The Best Online Quran Classes for Quality Islamic Education

Online Quran Classes

Whether you are a beginner or advanced learner, our Online Quran Classes provides an interactive and supportive environment for learning the Holy book of Islam. Our experienced teachers provide quality instruction to ensure that students must develop their understanding of the Quran in an inclusive setting from the comfort of home. Learn the Basics(Online Quran Classes) Our Online Quran Classes provides comprehensive education for beginners, covering common topics such as the reading Quran with tajweed, salat lessons, daily supplications and basics of Islamic faith and belief. Where students of tafseer can learn about the meaning of every Surah, receive instruction on how to read and interpret Quran verse, and build a foundation for more advanced learning. We strive to arm our students with knowledge that help them feel more connected to their faith and become source of guidance to the world.Our Online Quran Classes has courses comprised of all levels of learning ranging from beginner introduction to the expert level of Islamic studies. Students can take live classes with experienced instructors, attend group lectures and seminars, or benefit from personalized tutoring. We guarantee that no student will fall behind and ensure that every student is given due attention with all the possible resources, needed to succeed. Our courses are also open for non-muslins who are interested in learning more about the Quran and its teachings. With our Online Quran Classes, everybody has the opportunity to gain authentic knowledge to boost their spiritual and religious needs. Review the Quran’s Teachings with a Qualified Teacher Our Online Quran Classes offers valuable opportunity to view the teachings of the Quran and live life according to Islam in deeper capacity with the help of a qualified teacher. Through interactive lessons that are designed for each student. Our instructors provide guidance to master reciting the Quranic verses perfectly and understand their practical application. With our support, students can gain a more sophisticated understanding of Islam, thus establishing a strong foundation for lifelong learning. Memorize Important Verses Memorizing important verses of the Quran is an integral part of Islamic education. Our Online Quran Classes how to memorize each verse accurately with Tajweed. Students enter into a comprehensive learning program, allowing them to understand and appreciate the meanings of each recurrent passage in the Quran with accurate way of recitation and pronunciation of arabic words. Instructors focus on teaching their students to properly enunciate the nuances of arabic language . Which leads to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the words written in the Quran. This method of instruction provides a solid foundation for readers. To continue learning about this holy text without becoming overwhelmed or frustrated. We strive to create an environment where students can access quality education. Learn practical techniques for memorization and recite with fluency and confidence. Develop Your Quranic Recitation Skills with QariGroup Our Quran academy uses a unique system of recitation and pronunciation exercises to help students recognize the differences between ayah and surah. Also, practicing with highly qualified teachers make student’s accuracy and fluency effectual in reciting the Quran. Regular assessments are given by our instructors, so you can track your progress and make sure you’re up-to-date with the latest Quranic concepts.Our online Quran Academy also offers classes that go beyond recitation. By mastering the way to read Quran with Tajweed and proper articulation, students can gain strong grip on each verse. We believe this will inspire them to strive for achieving fluidity and expertise in their daily recitations. For Online Quran Video Tutorial: GariGroup Our passionate instructors are available 24/7 to offer support and answer any queries of curious students. With our advanced online learning platform, you’ll never have to worry about keeping up with traditional classroom lessons or sacrificing quality education.Qari group is that one stop that provides modern classrooms with all the necessary equipments, experts of field. Regular assessments and progress sheets, so students along with their guardians can track their record. Above all its the Online Quran Classes that helps you benefit from your comfort zones. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): Q: What is an online Quran academy? A: Online Quran academies are platforms where you can learn and The Quran via online classes. They provide opportunities for students to have Quranic education from professional teachers all around the world. Through video calls with screen share, virtual classrooms, and other online tools. Q: How does an Online Quran Classes work? A: Online Quran academies e.g. have a well-structured curriculum and a professional team of teachers who provide classes over the internet. Students need to enroll in the academy and select a schedule that best match to them. The classes are usually conducted through video conferencing software like zoom and skype. Where the teacher teaches the Quranic recitation with tajweed (proper pronunciation), and the proper understanding of each Quranic verses, while the student listens, repeats and learns. Q: What courses are offered in an Online Quran Classes? A: Online Quran academies may offer various courses regarding the Quran. These may include: Q: How are online Quran classes conducted?  A: At QariGroup, Online Quran classes are conducted via Zoom and Skype. The teachers may share screens, use whiteboards, and provide study materials to enhance the learning process. Q: Who can enroll in an online Quran academy? A: Online Quran academies like QariGroup, are facilitating all ages and backgrounds who want to learn the Quran. Whether you are a beginner or have some prior knowledge, and adult or a kid you can enroll in Qarigroup to enhance your recitation skills and Tajweed. Q: What are the benefits of learning the Quran online?  A: Here are some advantages of learning the Quran online via Qarigroup includes: Q: How can I find a reputable Online Quran Classes? A: you can find a reputable Online Quran Classes, consider the following: Q: Is it important to have prior knowledge of a course to enroll in an online Quran academy? A: No, it is not important to have any prior knowledge of a course

Learn Quranic Arabic Online – Beginner’s Guide

Learn Quranic Arabic Online

Do you want to learn the basics of Quranic Arabic but don’t know how? This guide is for you.
We’ll provide an overview of resources so you can start off with the fundamentals of quranic teachings quickly and gain deeper understanding of the language.

Learn Quran With Tajweed Online

Learn Quran With Tajweed Online

It is followed by set of rules and regulations with Diacritic expressions for accurate pronunciation of Arabic Quranic Language. That is why Learn Quran with tajweed online is design to fulfill the need.

All About Tafsir: Meaning, Types & Significance

Tafsir Quran

The study of the Quran has always been a core part of Islamic education. This is where the study of Tafsir comes in. Muslims believe that the Quran is the literal word of Allah and contains guidance for all aspects of life. Understanding the Quran requires not only the ability to read the Arabic text, but also an understanding of its meaning and context. For Tafsir Course visit: What is Tafsir? Tafsir is the Arabic word for “explanation” or “interpretation.” It is the study of the Quranic text and the explanation of its meaning and context. Tafsir is an essential part of Islamic scholarship, and it has been practised for over a millennium. History and Evolution of Tafsir The study of Tafsir dates back to the early days of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) himself provided explanations for some verses of the Quran, and his companions and followers continued this tradition after his death. The earliest form of it was oral, with scholars and teachers explaining the meaning of the Quranic text to their students. Over time, Tafsir evolved into a more formalised discipline, with scholars writing down their explanations of the Quranic text. The first recorded Tafsir was written in the 8th century by a scholar named Mujahid ibn Jabr. Since then, many other scholars have written Tafsir, each bringing their own insights and interpretations to the text. Types of Tafsir There are several types of Tafsir, each with its own approach and methodology. Some of the most common types include: 1. Tafsir bil Ma’thur: This type is based on the narrations and explanations of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions. It relies on the understanding of those who were closest to the Prophet and who were directly taught by him. 2. Tafsir bil Ra’y: This type is based on personal opinions and interpretations. It relies on the scholar’s knowledge and understanding of the Arabic language, as well as their familiarity with Islamic history and jurisprudence. 3. Tafsir bil Ijmali: This type of Tafsir provides a brief and concise explanation of the Quranic text. It focuses on the main themes and messages of the text and does not delve into detailed explanations. Significance of Tafsir Tafsir is a term used in Islamic studies to refer to the interpretation or explanation of the Quran. It is an important aspect of Islamic scholarship and is considered crucial for understanding the message of the Quran. The significance lies in its role in helping Muslims understand the meaning and relevance of the Quran in their daily lives. The Quran is considered to be the word of God. Revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) , and as such, it contains guidance and wisdom that is relevant for all times and places. However, the Quran is also a complex and rich text, full of allegories, metaphors, and historical references. That can be difficult to understand without proper guidance. It provides this guidance by explaining the context, background, and meaning of the verses of the Quran. It draws on a range of sources, including the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) , the sayings of his companions, and the opinions of Islamic scholars throughout history. By doing so, Tafsir helps Muslims to deepen their understanding of the Quran and to apply its teachings to their lives. In addition to its role in helping Muslims understand the Quran, Tafsir also has wider significance. It has played a central role in the development of Islamic scholarship. Many great Muslim scholars devoting their lives to studying and interpreting the Quran. It has also been an important tool for Muslims in their efforts to understand and respond to contemporary challenges and issues facing the Muslim world. Overall, It is a vital aspect of Islamic scholarship and is considered essential for understanding the Quran and applying its teachings to everyday life. How To Learn Tafsir In English. Learning Tafsir, or the interpretation of the Quran, is an essential part of studying Islam. While Tafsir is traditionally taught in Arabic, there are now many resources available to learn it in English. The first step in learning in English is to find a reliable and authentic source. There are many books available in English, written by respected scholars. They can provide a comprehensive understanding of the Quran’s meaning and interpretation. For Video Tutorial visit YouTube Channel: Qarigroup It is also helpful to find a teacher or mentor who has knowledge and experience to guide you through the process. Additionally, online courses and lectures are available for those who prefer to learn at their own pace. Consistent study and practice are key to mastering . So it is important to make a schedule and set aside dedicated time for studying. With dedication and the right resources, learning it in English is a rewarding and enriching experience. Learn Tafsir Online with Qari Group In today’s digital age, learning Tafsir has become easier than ever before. Online platforms like Qari Group offer courses in Tafsir that are accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Qari Group is an online platform for Quran learning and Tafsir courses. It offers a range of courses in Tafsir, including courses in English. The courses are taught by experienced scholars and teachers who provide detailed explanations and insights into the Quranic text. In addition to courses, Qari Group also offers courses in Quran recitation, Tajweed, and Arabic language. The platform is designed to be user-friendly and accessible, with courses that are tailored to the needs of learners at all levels. Conclusion It is an essential component of Islamic scholarship that has been practiced for over a millennium. It provides Muslims with a deeper understanding of the Quranic text and helps them to apply its teachings in their daily lives. With the availability of reliable resources and online courses, learning Tafsir in English has become more accessible than ever before. Platforms like Qari Group offer comprehensive Tcourses taught by experienced scholars and teacher. Making it possible for anyone, anywhere

Suitable Age For Learning Quran

Learning Quran

Allah in Quran says,” Indeed, in the messenger of Allah you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the last day, and remember Allah often”. This verse clearly shows that path of Prophet Muhammad  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم is the best to follow. Considering the verse it is noted that: 1- The presentation of age limitation as a significant necessity is not accurate. 2- Commencing Quran learning at the age of 3 is feasible for children, but the learning process remains equally achievable at 40. 3- Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم, to whom the Quran was revealed, reached the age of 40 during that period. His life offers a prime example to follow across all life aspects, encompassing learning the Quran and understanding battlefield regulations. Parents in modern day are very much concerned about the age, they should start to teach Quran to their child. Every parent decides on their own the best possible age for their child. However, researchers have undertaken a significant amount of research on this particular topic to provide convenience for parents. Researchers have come to the conclusion that there are two major different groups of children with their own distinct qualities and capabilities of picking up the information, they are fed in different timings. GENERAL STATISTICS FOR BEST AGE TO LEARN: To date, researchers have published hundreds of statistics and conducted numerous surveys on the question of the “best age for a child to learn,” revealing a significant difference of opinion on the matter. Two diffeeent opinions are: 1) BEST AGE TO LEARN QURAN IN GENERAL Learning is a skill in itself. National Institute of Health of USA, after analyzing different behaviors, explains that best possible age to learn things, starts from 4. Simultaneously, to learn Quran is to aquire a skill, for which four (4) year old child is suitable and can be taught verses verbally by parents or tutors. Some of the key points that should be heeded by parents includes: 1- Parents along with child’s tutor should make their child learn Quran with love, care and clear understanding of the purpose of learning Quran.2- Avoid treating a child in an inhumane manner because they are struggling to learn the Quran. Learning something new is consistently challenging, and children should be given ample time to comprehend the words from the Quran. 2) BEST AGE TO LEARN QURAN IN PARTICULAR: Learning Quran schools emphasizes that age group necessary to learn Quran ranges from 7-12. This is considered as one of the best ages to make child able to understand the way to learn Quran. LEARNING IS NOT AGE LIMITED: Please note that the learning of the Quran is not limited to a specific age group. It can begin as early as the age of 3 and can be pursued at any point before one’s passing. CATEGORIES OF LEARNING QURAN: Learning Quran schools offer wide variety of ways to learn Quran. Qari group considers the following ways best, inorder to make oneself aware of teachings of Quran. Some categories involves: 1- Learning Quran with Tajweed. 2- Learning Quran with Simple Nazra. 3- Hifz-e-Quran. TECHNIQUES TO LEARN QURAN: 1- Parents should engage in child’s learning activities. 2- Guardians of children should involve themselves in their activities to boost their creativity. 3- Parents and tutors should pose engaging questions to children to facilitate their understanding of the learning process. 4- Creating enjoyable assignments can motivate children to effectively engage in Quranic learning. 5- It’s important to revise the learned tasks on a daily basis to prevent future issues and to ensure the child remains connected with the Quran. IS LEARNING QURAN WITH TAJWEED POSSIBLE ONLINE ? Parents often inquire, “Can we learn the Quran online from the comfort of our homes?” The answer is YES. Technology has progressed to a stage where individuals can engage in diverse educational pursuits from their residences, regardless of spatial and temporal constraints. However, the learning of the Quran with proper tajweed requires assessment and supervision by credible teachers and guardians. For that matter Qari Group offers the best pakage services which not only teaches Quran but also provide following perks: UNDERSTANDING OF CHILDREN PSYCHOLOGY FOR LEARNING QURAN: Children are curious creatures who loves to ask questions and find solutions to the problem.Prophet Muhammad  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم  emphasized upon the learning of children often. He  صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم himself had always been kind,lovely, gentle and soft hearted towards children. His صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم life is perfect example to take lessons from. With that in mind, it’s important to note that building the child’s character and mind constitutes the fundamental step before moving on to the memorization phase. For that matter: Encourage children to participate in extracurricular activities. Ask them to engage in small acts of welfare, similar to how Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم would have small kids line up shoes outside the mosque. Maintain rewards for children to ensure they stay motivated and active. SUMMARIZING THE CONCEPT OF RIGHT AGE TO LEARN QURAN: Therefore, the process of learning the Quran should involve cultivating a sense of love within the child, while also raising their awareness about the purpose of learning and the eventual rewards. Share multiple stories rooted in true events to emphasize to students the significance of learning and memorizing the Quran by heart. To bring the best out of generations and build a healthy muslim future. To book a free trail class with the best online teacher visit now! Related Article:15 Important Lessons From The Quran to Change Your Life How Much Time Does It Take To Memorize Quran?